A violist is a philosopher, a connector, a pioneer and a human voice. To listen more than to draw attention to oneself, being a musician demands extraordinary awareness and aliveness in all our senses while remaining humble and joyful in our pursuit. I hope the VivaViola! community can become a space and support for everyone who loves the viola.
About Sherry Chen 陳玲玉
Steinway Artist Sherry Chen has established herself as a prominent soloist and chamber musician. Born in Taipei, Taiwan, Dr. Chen was awarded scholarships at the age of thirteen to further her musical pursuit in Canada where she studied at the Royal Conservatory of Music and the University of Toronto with a double major in both the piano and viola. Having completed graduate studies at the Juilliard School, Manhattan School of Music, and New York University, Dr. Chen received her Doctor of Musical Arts from The Shepherd School of Music at Rice University.
Dr. Chen has performed extensively as a soloist and chamber musician throughout the United States, Canada, Europe and Asia. She has premiered many works by Canadian and American composers regularly and has recorded numerous soundtracks and hymns. Her solo piano album, “Follow Him”, was honored in the “Muzik Record Award” in 2009. Dr. Chen’s many international first prize awards include the Canadian Music Competition and the North America Music Teachers’ Association Competition. Other prizes include the prestigious Arts Grant, awarded by the Canada Council. She is also a three-time recipient of The Female Doctoral Students Grant, awarded by the Government of Canada. Having won the Artist International Competition in New York, Dr. Chen was the Carnegie Hall Solo Recital recipient in 1995. In 2012, she was honorably named a “Steinway Artist”.
Dr. Chen has taught at many world class institutions such as the Royal Conservatory of Music in Toronto, the Metropolitan Opera House in New York, Opera San Jose, San Jose State University, San Jose City College, Taipei City University of Education, Shih-Chien University and Tunghai University. She also served as the principal violist at many professional orchestras and performed Broadway musicals in New York.
Dr. Chen has long been enthusiastic and passionate about arts administration. She has served on the Board, as well as an arts administrator at performing arts organizations in the US, Hong Kong and Taiwan, including the Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, the Kollage Performing Arts School, the Mountain View School of Music and Arts, San Jose Chamber Music Society, Yew Chung International School in Hong Kong and Yinqi Culture and Arts Foundation. From 2008 to 2016, she served as a consultant for the Boston Conservatory and the Sydney Conservatorium. In recent years she has published numerous books and scholarly papers in the field of arts administration.
In 2007, along with violinist Lin Wenchuan and cellist Ya Limu, Dr. Chen founded the "Elite Artist Trio". The only “Steinway Ensemble” in Taiwan, the trio is committed to promoting Taiwanese music and Taiwanese composers and has toured extensively worldwide. Since its founding, the “Elite Artists Trio” has released seven albums, including “Formosa Impression”, “Formosa Legend”, “Formosa Reminiscence”, “Formosa Passion”, “Formosa Timelessness”, “Formosa Blossoming” and “Formosa Grace”. “Formosa Reminiscence” was nominated for the Golden Melody Awards in 2017 in the categories of The Best Album Producer, The Best Classical Music Album and The Best Composition.
Currently, Dr. Chen serves as a full-time Assistant Professor at Alethia University and as an Adjunct Assistant Professor at Taiwan Theological Seminary as well as a string specialist at Taipei American School. She is also very much active as a professional arts manager, whose roles include managing artists, performing arts venue and program productions.
「史坦威藝術家」 (Steinway Artist) 陳玲玉出生於台北市,曾就讀光仁小學音樂班。13歲以資賦優異兒童出國深造,並以中提琴、鋼琴雙主修先後就讀多倫多皇家音樂院、多倫多大學、茱麗亞音樂院、曼哈頓音樂院、紐約大學藝術行政管理及萊斯大學音樂藝術博士。
陳玲玉教學經驗及活躍演出遍及亞洲及歐美等多國;先後曾任職於加拿大多倫多皇家音樂院、紐約大都會歌劇院、臺北市立教育大學、實踐大學、聖荷西歌劇院、聖荷西州立大學及東海大學。也曾擔任職業交響樂團之中提琴首席,包括美國Norwalk、Albany、Westchester、曼哈頓室內樂團、新英格蘭室內樂團等交響樂團及演出無數紐約百老匯著名音樂劇。更有許多現代美加作曲家指定陳玲玉為他們所創作擔任首演,並巡迴各地演出。鋼琴獨奏專輯「跟隨祂 Follow Him」曾獲選2009 Muzik唱片大賞台灣出版類入圍。書籍著作包括「音樂行政關鍵字彙」、「政府對藝文之補助機制」、「表演藝術行銷策略」及「觀眾發展與票房策略」等書。
陳玲玉於藝術行政管理領域有獨特熱情與經營理念。先後於美國、香港及台灣各大表演藝術團體擔任行政總監及專業顧問,包括紐約林肯表演藝術中心、Kollage表演藝術學校、Mountain View音樂藝術學校、2000-2003年任職於聖荷西室內樂協會 (San Jose Chamber Music Society)、2004年受邀為香港耀中國際學校 (Yew Chung International School)為音樂總監、2005年任職於音契文化藝術基金會、2008-2016擔任美國波士頓音樂院 (Boston Conservatory) 與雪梨大學音樂院 (Sydney Conservatorium)顧問。2005年起開始專業藝術經紀執行製作,協助知名國際音樂家演出,及藝文團體之節目製作與策劃。
2007年與旅奧小提琴家林文川及旅俄大提琴家婭力木秉持著以古典音樂影響文化的熱忱下成立「菁英藝術家三重奏」,為台灣唯一獲推選為「史坦威藝術家室內樂團」(Steinway Artist Ensemble) 殊榮之室內樂團。長期致力於推廣台灣音樂及台灣作曲家,定期委託台灣新銳作曲家創作新作品,增加台灣作曲家曝光率。至今已發行七張「福爾摩沙」系列專輯,包括「印象 福爾摩沙」)、「薪傳 福爾摩沙」「心繫 福爾摩沙」、「悸動 福爾摩沙」、「雋永 福爾摩沙」、「綻放 福爾摩沙」及「恩典 福爾摩沙」,發行量與頻率為台灣古典室內樂團首見。每年受邀至海外演出,足跡遍布歐洲及美加等各地。2017專輯「心繫 福爾摩沙」蕭泰然室內樂作品獲第28屆傳藝金曲獎三項入圍,包括最佳專輯製作人、最佳藝術音樂專輯及最佳創作奬。