A violist is a philosopher, a connector, a pioneer and a human voice. To listen more than to draw attention to oneself, being a musician demands extraordinary awareness and aliveness in all our senses while remaining humble and joyful in our pursuit. I hope the VivaViola! community can become a space and support for everyone who loves the viola.
About Ruby Wang 王逸茹
Collaborative pianist Ruby Wang, a native of Taiwan, began her piano studies at the age of five, and was educated at the Special Program for The Musically Gifted, under the auspices of the government from elementary school through senior high school. She earned her Bachelor’s degree in music from National Taiwan Normal University. Miss Wang has been very active as a chamber musician in Taiwan, especially in viola repertoire, and accompanied with many choirs, instrumentalists and singers. Besides being active in performing and teaching, Miss Wang also devotes herself in the field of performing arts administration.
近年來鋼琴合作演出經驗豐富、形式多元,曾與國內外多位知名音樂家合作演出。在學期間即受邀擔任幕聲合唱團 (Tabernacle Women's Choir) 之鋼琴,巡迴各地演出,廣受好評;目前同時亦為臺北市師韻合唱團、海歸人聲合唱團 (The Rejuvenis Group) 之鋼琴合作。
自 2010 年起,陸續與國內外多位優秀中提琴家合作演出,演出中提琴獨奏會多場,嫻熟於中提琴曲目。2016 年至 2020 年,與臺北市立交響樂團中提琴首席何君恆教授合作錄製、發行多張演奏專輯《Beau soir 美麗的夜》、《The Golden Age 黃金年代》、《1919 年中提琴經典作品》、《中提琴臺灣歌謠》,曲目多元,包含中提琴 20 世紀三大協奏曲及浪漫樂派小品、臺灣民謠等。
2018 年受上海音樂學院中提琴教授盛利邀請,參與首屆中國青年藝術家集訓營,擔任鋼琴藝術指導。2020 年受邀擔任台北大師星秀音樂節 (TMAF) 公開大師班指定鋼琴合作。
在演奏、教學之餘,也投身表演藝術節目製作,專責籌劃藝文展演,執行演出企劃,並製作多次「VivaViola Hsin-Yun Huang ViolaFest 黃心芸國際中提琴音樂節」系列演出、教學活動。