A violist is a philosopher, a connector, a pioneer and a human voice. To listen more than to draw attention to oneself, being a musician demands extraordinary awareness and aliveness in all our senses while remaining humble and joyful in our pursuit. I hope the VivaViola! community can become a space and support for everyone who loves the viola.
About Liyuan Liu
Violist Liyuan Liu, a current associate professor Zhejiang Conservatory of Music and a master tutor,where awarded honor to her as "Young Elite Talent" and "New Talent in Teaching". Ms. Liu is also honored as “Leading figures and outstanding young talents in colleges and universities” in Zhejiang Province, one of the permanent director members of the String Society of Chinese Musicians Association, and standing committee of the federation of returned overseas Chinese in Xihu District, Hangzhou. In 2019, the National Art Fund name her as “the first batch of young performing arts talents”.
Ms. Liu had been invited as the guest principal viola of Shanghai Philharmonic Orchestra and was invited by Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council as an artist of "Global Chinese Orchestra". After graduated from the secondary school affiliated to the from the middle school of Central Conservatory of Music with the highest score, she was admitted to Juilliard Conservatory of Music in the United States with a full scholarship, obtaining bachelor's and master's degrees. Ms. Liu also obtains the Doctor of Higher Music Education from Columbia University, USA, with Dr. Randall Allsup, and won the title of Morse Scholar.
She won the first place in the NYSC International Concerto Competition for Young Artist in New York, and the top prize of the Viola Competition in China. In 2017, the famous "new york Concert Review" called her an “exceptional violist”. Ms. Liu was invited by CCTV Music Channel for many times to record special music programs such as "Lexianghui" and "Fenghua Guole".
Ms. Liu had studied under Wang Shaowu, Wing Ho, Heidi Castleman, Michael Tree, Steven Tenenbom, Hsin-yun Huang, and Ira Weller.
She made Carnegie Hall debut in 2012, successfully performed Rola Viola concerto. Michel Sherwin, a well-known music critic, spoke highly of her, calling her "a talented and outstanding viola player with skills that make others despair and velvety warm timbre" in an article entitled "Virtuoso Violist".
劉瓅元,旅美青年中提琴演奏家,浙江音樂學院教師,上海愛樂樂團客席中提琴首席。全家華人樂團藝術家。美國茱莉亞音樂學院學士及碩士學位,美國哥倫比亞大學高等音樂教育博士,並榮獲Morse學者稱號。美國紐約國際青年演奏家協奏曲比賽冠軍及中國中提琴比賽第三名。德國阿爾卑斯音樂節、伊斯頓弦樂夏令營特邀教師。2017年著名《紐約音樂會評論》稱她為傑出的中提琴演奏家。先後師從王紹武、何榮、Heidi Castleman、Michael Tree、Steven Tenenbom、和Hsin-yun Huang。她在世界著名的音樂殿堂卡內基音樂廳與紐約協奏交響樂團合作了羅拉中提琴協奏曲,獲得了紐約知名樂評人Michel Sherwin的高度評價,被譽為"天賦極高的,傑出的中提琴演奏家,擁有令他人絕望的技巧和如天鵝絨般光滑的音色。"作為一名活躍於國際的重奏演奏家,曾受著名小提琴演奏家和教育家Ida Kavafian的邀請,參加紐約林肯中心室內樂協會的重奏演出。近幾年,她的演出足跡遍佈美國,德國,英國,日本,韓國等主要城市的知名音樂廳。2017年5月6日她受邀上海愛樂樂團成功世界首演天才作曲家龔天鵬的中提琴協奏曲《麥田裡的守望者》,引起熱烈反響並獲得廣泛好評。
In May 2017, she was invited by the Shanghai Philharmonic Orchestra to successfully perform the Viola Concerto "The Catcher in the Rye" by talented composer Peng-peng Gong, and in November 2019, she successfully performed "Bach six solo suite” at Hangzhou Grand Theatre, which aroused enthusiastic response and won wide acclaim from the industry.
As an international active soloist and ensemble player, she was invited by famous violinist Ida Kavafian to participate in the ensemble performance of Lincoln Chamber Music Society in New York.
In 2019, she released a full set of Bach unaccompanied suite album Viola Baroque Journey with Beijing Universal Records Company. Recording the classical CD "String Classic Concert" distributed by Pros Art and acting as Viola solo; Record the teaching performance demonstration of the teaching DVD "Learn from Me-41 Caprice in Campanaud" issued by Huanqiu Audio and Video Publishing House.